My love, my life, my rock.

My love, my life, my rock.

Monday, February 28, 2011

"The minor fall and the major lift"

Hello hello!

My life + some wonderful/encouraging friends of mine = inspiration to start a blog about life. 

I felt it appropriate to start my first post today because I sold off a minor piece of my life. It's taken me almost two years to let it go and I finally said goodbye to my wedding dress. It definitely was a bittersweet transaction. I am so thankful for the helpful hearts I have surrounding me, who gave me the inspiration to put it up for sale. I listed it on a website called not even a month ago and was soon contacted. This woman had tried it on in a bridal boutique but the price was out of her budget, so she went searching on this website and found me! Needless to say, it was meant to be.

I was very sad to see it go. The transaction happened so fast, one minute it was in my hands and the next it was gone. In Jessica's words, it was like ripping off a band aid really fast. Which in a way it was. You rip the band aid off and its painless, almost numbing at first, then you start to feel a little bit of that pain but you are in acceptance of it. In a matter of seconds, I watched that time of my life walk away. I honestly wasn't sure how to react. I could say that I wish that time in my life never existed but I would be lying. The lessons I learned, from those 6 years of my life, have made me the person I am today.

Even though we are only 2 months into 2011, it has already been one of my favorite/breakthrough years of my life. So many changes going on around me but also with me and I just can't wait for what's next.